Botox & Xeomin

At Chief Aesthetics we are all about making you look and feel your best, let’s see which treatment is right for you!

Customize Your



Botox® & Xeomin® work by temporarily relaxing facial muscles and easing the tension that causes fine lines and wrinkles.

Refresh your natural look.

Laugh lines, smile lines, frown lines, and crow's feet - call them what you will, these fine lines and wrinkles are caused by repetitive facial muscle movements. Smoking, sun damage, and genetics further contribute to these early signs of aging.

Over time, these lines become etched in deep creases, prematurely aging your appearance. Each patient will receive a customized treatment based on several factors which include, depth of wrinkles, strength of facial muscles, and how many areas we agree to treat.


  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles, helps decrease settling of makeup in creases, and adds a glow to your skin.

  • Both will make you feel like you’ve added years of youth back to your face.

  • Over time, both injectables can reduce future wrinkles, and remember prevention is key.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • They are injectable cosmetic treatments used to effectively reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Don’t let the word “toxin” scare you, it is completely safe to use and FDA approved.

  • Any injection can hurt, but the needles used for injections are very small, so pain is usually minimal. It will feel like a little pinch or prick.

  • In general, these injections are meant to last 3-4 months. To keep results going, you could need a follow-up treatment. After that, you should be able to expect your treatments to begin lasting longer. The amount of Botox®/Xeomin you’ll need depends entirely on a few contributing factors. These include:

    • The type of wrinkles you’d like to treat

    • Your unique aesthetic goals

    • The degree of muscle movement in your face

    • The number of times you've had Botox® in the past

    • Your health history

    • Dosage also equals duration

  • Common side effects are temporary, but may include:

    • Muscle weakness near the injection sites

    • Slight bruising, bleeding

    • Redness

    • Swelling

    *Always plan your injectables 2 weeks minimum before any special event.


 Before & After

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